By calling your name Ya Allah, the Most Compassionate and Merciful. I begin this paper with the full expectation of grace, keridhoan, directions, roads, relief and forgiveness and the gift of yours, my Allah. Praise be yours Oh Allah, the creator of the universe (heaven, earth and its contents), I was showered with praise this state, because only Thou art the Supreme in everything.
Rohmat and hopefully shed greeting bestowed upon the king Rosululloh beloved Muhammad, if you say so dn spoken: "Innalloha Wamalaaikatahuu Yusholluuna Alan-Nabi, Ya Ayuhalladziina Aamanu Sholluu alaihi Wasallimuu Tasliman" means: "Verily, Allah and the Angels sholawat recited to the Prophet, O people who believe sholawat read and greetings in good faith", about which I heard in sholawat guidance from the messenger Hadith:" Allohumma sholli wasallim alaa alaa Muhammad Wa Wa alihi Ashabihi Ajmaiin ". Meaning: "O Allah bestow Solawat and Safety for Your Prophet Muhammad and The Friends of Everything", also the previous Prophets, the Companions (People for the Prophet's life and faith in Him), the Tabi (Pengukut Friend), The Atbaauttabi-iin ( The Pengukut to Pengukut Friend), the Shuhada (The people who died defending the religion of Allah), the Ulama (people who diditipi Sciences, who practiced well and iklas), The Sholihin (People who do good with Ikhlas) ,
Ya Allah!, You commanded us to invoke Thee, according to Your Word: "Uduunii, istajib lakum", meaning: "Memohonlah ye in me, I'll mengabulakan above all permohonanmu". Accept all our prayers Ya Allah.
Hopefully sholawat tercurahkan blessing to the whole of Nature and its inhabitants, according to Your word against your prophet: "Wamaa arsalnaaka Illaa Rohmatan Lilaalamiin" means: "Did not We sent you (Muhammad SAW), except so mercy to the worlds and inhabitants, and its continuity". We beg the grace poured out to our family Rundayan (From the top to the Uyut, Grandpa / Grandma, Mom / Dad, brother, wife, son, and ourselves), also for all Muslimiin, Muslimat, Mu'miniin, Mu'minaat and also for all creatures that have you create.
Ya Allah!, You commanded us to beg Thee
Ya Allah give us all the appropriate hidayahMu for guidance that you require, you provider for guidance only: according to Your Word is: "Laa Innka Tahdii Man Ahbabta, Walaakinnalloha Yahdi Yasyaa Man", means: "Verily, you (Muhammad SAW) will not be able to give directions to people you love / loved, tetapinya Allah gives guidance to people who in kehendakiNya ".
Therefore give us clues Ya Allah!.
Ya Allah!, Idzinkan us at this happy time, share a mutual mewasiati, in accordance with the guidance in the clue: "Wal Ashri, Innal-Insaana Lafii Husri, Ilalladziina Aamanuu Amilush Wa-sholihaati, Watawaa Shoubil-Haqqi, Watawaa Shoubis-Shobri", It means: "By the time, indeed all human beings are in loss, except those of faith, and do good, and the mutual obligations and regulations mewasiati in kesobaran". Ya Allah!, Do not categorize us to people who lose ya Allah!.
Ya Allah!, Messenger mensabdakan: "Igtanim Homsan Qobla Homsin, Hayaataka Qobla mautika, Wa Syabaabaka Qobla Hautika, Wa Ginaaka Qobla Faqrika, Wasihhataka Qobla Haudhika, Wa Suglika Qobla Saqomika". Meaning: "Be careful when dating a five sebelim the five, (1), Your life before it comes time matimu, (2). Kepemudaanmu before it comes time your parents, (3). Your wealth before it came time kefakiranmu, (4). Your health comes before the time your pain, (5). Leluasamu before it comes time sibukmu ".
Jidakan we live happily reached the next world in grace and Your pleasure, we turn off the khusnul khotimah O Allah!, Our youth can make thoat You, as are old age and we became experts in keridhoanMu worship, make our fortune wealth permissible, good, and many blessings , as well as we could thoat poverty in You, Make our health can thoat and away ma'siat and sincere to you, Make privacy / us busy all the commandments and meakukan bias away from what is forbidden by You.
Ya Allah!, Make everything we do value worship in front of you, according to Your Word; "Wamaa Kholaqtul-Jinna Walinsaa Illaa Liya'buduuna". It means: "It is not we create Jinn and Men except that they worship",
What a waste of charity in our lives if not patronage and gift.
Ya Allah!, Forgive us our sins, our families, and all mu'miniiin mu'minnaat and muslimiin Muslimat!, According to the commandments: "Wastagfiruu, Innahu kaana Ghoffaaron", meaning: "Begging Forgive you all, indeed Allah is Oft-Forgiving" .
Ya Allah!, Make us who can confess to Thee with repentance nashuha!, According to Your Word: "Tuubuu Ilallohi Taubatan Nashuha", meaning: "Bertaubatlah / Return ye to Allah SWT, the truth of repentance".
Make us carry out all the commandments and the bias away from what is forbidden by You, we can classify repent unto Allah with repentance nashuha Yes!, Only Thee I begged and tengadahkan and lean all the affairs, give you all the happiness, kindness, benefit and welfare of the world and the hereafter, there in grace and keridhoanMu, Aamiin!.
My brother and sisters (Sekepercayaan) seaqidah (sekeyakinan)
Sorry in advance as much as possible, we try to explore about the journey of life, because an awful lot to ask from my friends, and let us learn together.
Perhaps as a base and start, or muqoddimah of this blog, sorry if a lot of sayings and writings that are less pleasing, only the top idzin grace is hopefully we can do everything there is in success for all,
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